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Five Maintenance Methods for Fiber Fusion Splicer

Date: 07, March, 2023
Views: 343

Fusion Splicer Electrode Cleaning or Replacement

The fusion splicer comes with a set of cleaning tools. When cleaning the electrode, use the cleaning tool to clean it. If the discharge still cannot be normal after cleaning, the electrode needs to be replaced. In general, the electrode needs to be cleaned after about 500 fusions, and new electrodes need to be replaced after about 7,000 fusions.

Maintenance Method of Surface Pollution in Optical System of Fusion Splicer

The main cause of fusion splicing failure during fusion process is pollution on the surface of the optical system, so protect the glass plate (located under the electrode) with anhydrous alcohol and clean the lens above the wooden door pressure fiber cover. Wait for the alcohol to dry before fusion splicing. If the fault cannot be resolved, the machine needs to be sent to the repair center. The display of "fiber offset too large" is caused by dirt inside the V-groove, which requires cleaning of the V-groove during maintenance. Clean with anhydrous alcohol, and dirt inside the groove can be cleaned with a toothpick or high-pressure air. Be careful not to use a hard object to clean the aluminum door V-groove, as this may cause damage to the V-groove. If the "fiber offset too large" prompt still cannot be eliminated after cleaning, the machine needs to be sent to the repair center for maintenance.

Uneven Discharge of Electrode in Fusion Splicer

During the fusion process, if the fiber spliced by the fusion splicer is abnormal and the electrode discharge is uneven, this is mainly due to oxidation at the tip of the electrode. The presence of oxide at the tip of the electrode causes uneven discharge, resulting in poor fusion quality, and the electrode needs to be cleaned.

Fusion Splicer Prompts to Clean Electrode

The prompt to clean the electrode is set on the fusion splicer. When the electrode and battery of the fusion splicer are prompted to be cleaned, please clean the electrode and you can also modify this parameter in the fusion splicer parameter settings.

Decreased Use Time of Battery in Fusion Splicer

The battery of the fusion splicer needs to be used in a similar way to the battery of a mobile phone. Generally, when the battery capacity is above 30%, please use the battery for power supply as much as possible. At the same time, please note that when using AC power supply, charge the fusion splicer battery together with the sliding door. When the battery usage time is found to be reduced, perform three deep charge and discharge cycles on the battery to extend its usage time.

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